Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination Claim Settled


Attorneys John Regan, Jeffrey Strom and Jay Livingstone have settled a sexual harassment and gender discrimination claim on behalf of a civil service employee who was being retaliated against after ending a relationship with her supervisor.

The supervisor retaliated both financially, by altering the employee’s benefits and taking away opportunities for valuable shifts, and by isolating and ostracizing the employee and otherwise making her working conditions extremely uncomfortable.

The settlement had far reaching implications for the client and her department as her supervisor was ultimately removed from his position of authority after these and other issues came to light.

“We’re pleased that we were able to reach an amicable agreement in a case like this,” said John Regan, co-counsel on the case. “Supervisors who retaliate against subordinates because a romantic relationship has ended need to be held accountable and that’s what happened here.”